Monthly Archives: February 2011

February Trip! Double feature + see the sites!

What can you tell from this image?  (Other than the fact that I apparently like movies with Meg Ryan and men with dark hair…)  The post title might’ve given it away, but we’re going to have a double feature film night and then the next day, visit places that were featured in the films!

I’m particularly excited about this event because I’m a potential Film Studies major.  One thing I love about movies that take place in New York is that it’s hard for sets to fake the outside scenes.  Other films might digitally add snow covered mountains, use camera angles to hide the set’s true location, or just film in entirely different places in every scene to get the desired look.  That’s something that I love about New York – there’s no where else like it.

That being said, we’re going to be watching “When Harry Met Sally” and “You’ve Got Mail” back to back on the evening of February 19  (Saturday) and then see the site locations that the films actually took place at on February 20 (Sunday).  Both of these films have fantastic, character-driven story lines.  A lot of their locations are actually as close as the Upper West Side.  You might’ve walked by some and not have even realized it.  I’ll announce details of the viewing location and the city locations some time over the next few weeks.

Can’t wait to see you there! (:


PS: I think I sense a future viewing of the Joseph Gordon-Levitt that was filmed around campus just this last semester.